Looking for the best hitting drills in volleyball to try?
When it comes to volleyball, a powerful and precise spike can be a game-changer. Hitting drills in volleyball are the secret weapon in a player’s arsenal, honing the skills needed to deliver that perfect, unstoppable shot. Overall, hitting can be the most important skill for winning a game, so hitting drills in volleyball are a must. In this guide, we’ll explore the best volleyball hitting drills that promise to elevate your spiking game to new heights.
Best Hitting Drills in Volleyball
Here are 7 of the best hitting drills in volleyball you can do to improve at volleyball. These volleyball hitting drills can be done in small groups or with a whole team at practice on the court.
1. Wall Hitting Drill: Precision Personified
Objective: Enhance hitting precision and target accuracy. A first step to warming up and practicing volleyball, use the wall and a ball to prepare your shoulder and arm for the upcoming hitting drills in volleyball.
How to:
- Stand facing a wall with a marked target area (usually a square) at an appropriate height.
- Toss the ball to yourself and execute a controlled spike, aiming for the target.
- Focus on technique, ensuring proper arm swing, approach, and follow-through.
- Lastly, retrieve the ball and repeat the process, gradually increasing the intensity and speed.
Benefits: Initially, this drill sharpens your aim, refines muscle memory, and allows you to focus on the technical aspects of your spike without the pressure of opponents.

2. Pepper Drill: Teamwork and Reflexes
Objective: Improve communication, ball control, and reaction time. This is a warm up drill with high intensity that should get you ready enough to play in a volleyball game, and definitely for these hitting drills in volleyball.
How to:
- Divide into pairs with one player designated as the “hitter” and the other as the “feeder.”
- The feeder tosses the ball to the hitter, who executes a controlled spike back to the feeder.
- The feeder then plays the ball up for the hitter to spike again.
- Continue the cycle, emphasizing quick, precise exchanges.
Benefits: Pepper promotes teamwork, ball control, and quick reflexes. It’s an excellent warm-up drill before games.
3. Blocker vs. Hitting Drills in Volleyball: Simulating Game Scenarios
Objective: Enhance spiking accuracy and timing against a simulated block. To practice spiking, it’s best to do against a live block, so that it’s as close to a real game situation as possible.
How to:
- Set up a net with blockers on one side and hitters on the other.
- The hitter approaches and attempts to spike, while the blockers jump to simulate a block.
- Hitters must adjust their spikes to avoid the block and target open areas on the opposing side.
Benefits: Thirdly, this drill mimics real-game scenarios, helping hitters develop strategies to overcome blocks and make split-second decisions.
More of the Best Hitting Drills in Volleyball
4. Dig and Set Drill: Complete Offensive Sequence
Objective: Perfect the entire offensive sequence from dig to set to spike. Step by step, build up from a dig, to a dig and set, to a dig set spike. At each step, then you can point out the important requirements of each step as you build up to more complex hitting drills in volleyball.
How to:
- Start with a designated “digging” player who receives a coach’s or teammate’s attack.
- The digger passes the ball to the setter, who delivers a well-placed set.
- The hitter approaches and executes a powerful spike.
Benefits: Overall, this drill integrates various skills, fostering cohesion among teammates and reinforcing the importance of seamless transitions in offensive plays.
5. Box Drill: Agility and Decision-Making
Objective: Improve agility and decision-making in a confined space. On the court, you will need to move and make decisions in a split second during face paced plays.
How to:
- Create a square or box using markers on the court.
- Secondly, place a setter outside the box and hitters inside.
- The setter quickly sets the ball to any hitter, who must run outside of the box and then turn to do spike within the box.
- Lastly, hitters must adjust their footwork and technique based on the set
Benefits: All in all, the Box Drill enhances agility, decision-making, and adaptability, crucial skills for hitters facing dynamic game situations.
6. Three-Step Approach Drill: Perfecting the Approach
Objective: Refine the three-step approach for an explosive spike. In serve receive and transition attacking, you will need to have the steps and footwork of a three step approach memorized and ready to use at all times on the court.
How to:
- Firstly, focus on the initial three steps of the approach – the left-right-left sequence.
- Practice the approach without hitting the ball, emphasizing proper foot placement, balance, and timing. Before you use a ball, it’s best to make sure you have the proper footwork down.
- Finally, gradually integrate hitting into the drill, ensuring a seamless transition from approach to spike.
Benefits: Finally, this drill isolates the crucial approach phase, allowing players to fine-tune their footwork and achieve a more powerful and efficient spike.
7. Target Serving Drill: Serving with Purpose
Objective: Develop precision serving to specific areas of the court. At any time in a game, it could be needed to serve an exact spot or zone against the team on the other side of the court.
How to:
- Initially, set up target zones on the opposing court using markers or cones.
- Practice serving, aiming for specific target areas. Overall, zones, seams, and spots are good targets.
- Lastly, experiment with different serving techniques, including float serves and topspin serves.
Benefits: While not a traditional hitting drill, serving is a crucial offensive skill. This drill improves serving accuracy and helps players become more strategic in placing serves during games.

Best Hitting Drills in Volleyball Conclusion
In conclusion, incorporating these volleyball hitting drills into your training regimen can make a significant difference in your spiking prowess. Overall, remember, consistency and focused repetition are key to mastering any skill. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, integrating these drills into your routine will undoubtedly enhance your ability to deliver powerful and precise spikes when it matters most. So, step onto the court, grab that ball, and start perfecting your hits – your opponents won’t know what hit them!
After you try out these hitting drills in volleyball, check out some more great drills to spike better: Spike Better
Finally, check out more volleyball articles from: Denny Falls